It's been all work and no play for me this weekend! Yesterday I was in Brisbane all day working with Westfield on a little style session. We modeled three on-trend looks that you are probably well aware of: nautical, white, snake skin and for next month we showcased some race wear trends.
It was lots of fun and a very colourful day. However, all colour was lost on the way home. The weather turned into this terrifying storm. It a mixture between Mordor and the end of the world. When you're traveling alone and it's pitch black at 4:20pm trust me it's terrifying!
I never take my camera to things like this as I am always scared I'll loose it - or someone might get their paws on it, as our bags are always left haphazardly all over the place. I need one I can just chuck in my bag! Those Canon G12's look pretty cool for that. But I have no idea how they are as a camera.
So, here are a couple of photos from my iphone! I guess some badly quality instagram is better than none. I have been looking at getting an iphone 4S - and I think I just may get one over the next week. I think it's time for an update.
On another note: We were busy all day shooting a collection for an amazing Australian label - I can't show you unfortunately...So hang tight until January! But trust me - the images look amazing! I can't wait to show you!
Anyway guys, I hope you had a wicked weekend. I.AM.EXHAUSTED.